
Technical infrastructure and technologies that we use and can support

Frontend Technologies







Backend Technologies




.Net Core 3.1 - 5.0 - 6.0

Entity Framework Core

MediatR CQRS Architecture


Memory Cache


Fluent Validation

LINQ Expressions


Auxiliary Tools

Postman RESTful

Visual Studio

Docker Desktop

Github Desktop


Database Technologies

MSSQL Server

Oracle DB


Azure Data Studio

MSSQL Management Studio

External Technologies



Wowza Streaming Engine

SAP RFC Functions

Windows Server

Management Tools

Web Api Development

Web App Development

Microservice Architecture

Monolithic Architecture

Solid Principles

Microsoft Teams

Azure DevOps Server

Agile Methodology



Website Infrastructure and Technical Specifications Technical Data Flow

Multi-Language Support: Enable the application to function in multiple languages.
Dark/Light Theme Customization: Allow users to choose between dark and light themes.
.Net Core 6.0 MVC Design Pattern: Implement the MVC design pattern using .Net Core 6.0.
CQRS Design Pattern with MediatR: Utilize the CQRS design pattern along with MediatR for handling and performing CRUD operations.
Server-Side Parameter Control with Fluent Validation: Ensure server-side parameter validation using Fluent Validation.
Client-Side Validations: Implement client-side validations for enhanced user experience.
Language-Specific Error Messages for Server-side Validation: Provide error messages in the user's preferred language for server-side validation.
Advanced Generic Async Repositories: Employ advanced generic asynchronous repositories for database operations.
Dynamic Querying Request: Enable dynamic querying of data.
Role-Based User Management: Manage user roles and permissions.
Distributed Memory Caching and Management: Implement distributed memory caching and management.
Logging (Serilog) to Database and File: Log application events to both the database and log files using Serilog.
Domain-Driven Design (DDD) Focused Clean Architecture Implementation: Develop the application with a focus on DDD and clean architecture principles.
Monolith Project and Publish Management: Manage the monolithic project and its deployment.
Login and Register Processes Backend and Frontend Design and Development: Design and develop backend and frontend components for user login and registration.
Authorization and Authentication Management: Manage user authorization and authentication.
Method Extensions: Implement custom method extensions for added functionality.
Global Error Handling: Handle errors globally for a consistent user experience.
Transaction, Logging, Validation, and Caching Pipelines: Implement pipelines for transaction handling, logging, validation, and caching.
Mailing Services and Sending Email Confirmation Messages: Integrate mailing services for sending email confirmation messages.
Response-Request Pattern-Based Mapping (Automapper): Utilize AutoMapper for mapping between response and request objects.
Page Design and Client-Side Management with HTML, CSS, and JS: Design and manage pages with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for a responsive user interface.
Creation and Management of Admin Pages: Develop and manage admin pages.
Simplified Operations Using Modals with Datatables: Enable easy data manipulation using modals and Datatables.
• User Management, Authorization, Email Control, and Restrictions: Manage users, their permissions, email verification, and access restrictions.
Entity Relationships (1-N, N-N, 1-1) and Cascading Deletions: Establish and manage various entity relationships, including one-to-many, many-to-many, and one-to-one, with cascading deletions.
Pagination for Querying Data: Implement pagination for efficient data retrieval.
Efficient Data Duplication: Allow for the quick addition of duplicate data.
Bulk Deletion Operations: Enable bulk deletion of records.
Data Analysis and Reporting: Provide data analysis and reporting capabilities.
Graphical Representations: Display data with graphical visualizations.
Creation of Static Data with SeedData: Generate static data using SeedData.
Entity Configuration Control: Control entity properties using EntityConfigurations.
Data Exporting (Copy, CSV, Excel, PDF, Print): Allow users to export data in various formats, including copy-paste, CSV, Excel, PDF, and print.
Mobile-Friendly Website Interface Enhancements: Optimize the user interface for mobile devices.
User-Friendly UI/UX Design: Create a user-friendly and intuitive user interface and user experience.
User Profile Management, Password Updates, Email and Information Addition: Implement features for user profile management, password updates, email changes, and information additions.
Error Recovery During Linked Transactions: Handle errors and provide recovery mechanisms during linked transactional operations.
Repository Design Pattern: Follow the repository design pattern for data access.
Secure Transmission with HTTPS and SSL: Ensure secure data transmission using HTTPS and SSL.
Entity Configurations: Configure entity properties as needed.